Officer's Nightmare Reflection Collection "Sobriety"

Officer's Nightmare is about two white Detroit Police
Officers. I am one of them. We were involved in a police
shooting in January of 1996. Fellow Detroit Police
Officer Patrick Prohm was fatally shot.
In this story, I will describe the aftermath of the shooting, and the hell that the City of Detroit put my partner and I through: Injustice, discrimination, harassment and mental anguish.
My partner and I thought the incident was traumatic enough. But wait until you see what came after. I pray that no other officer, in this nation, should be treated the way we were by the city we were sworn to protect.
This is my story...
Reflection Collection "Sobriety" is a story of a recovering alcoholic who wants to share her experiences with you. At times, what is written in this book is deadly serious and at the same time, funny. You'll laugh out loud and you might shed a tear or two. If you are an alcoholic you will recognize yourself in these pages. You will get support and education you need to stop drinking and maintain a sober lifestyle. If you know or suspect someone you love is an alcoholic, this book would be valuable to you as well. The author gives you information that helped her get sober and stay sober over 39 years.
The author began drinking at the tender age of 9. She had one drink and realized she liked the taste of alcohol. Even at that young age she managed to get her hands on booze. During her teen years, the drinking became worse. She lost a 4 year scholarship when she decided drinking was more important than not drinking, when she played on the high school baseball team. The drinking only got worse after that until she hit her "rock bottom" moment and resolved to begin "Sobriety."
Both Books are available at:
Paperback Writer Book Shop
61 Macomb Place
Mt. Clemens, Mi. 48043